Gilbert W. Bassett, Jr.
Emeritus Professor
Department of Finance
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Pennsylvania, BS
University of Michigan, PhD
Gib is Emeritus Professor of Finance and Economics at UIC. He is a co-developer of quantile regression.
He was the founding director of the International Center for Futures and
Derivatives at UIC. He worked a college summer job sorting hogs in the morning at the Union Stockyards and afterwards recording pork belly prices from the ticker tape.
He received the BS degree from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) and PhD from the University of Michigan.
The Chicago Exchanges Class
- Presenters: 2024
- Earlier
The Chicago Exchanges features presentations by leaders of financial exchanges and trading firms discussing the history and role of financial exchanges in the global economy.
The Goat in the 3D City
Regression Quantile Data View
Ellsberg Urns
Understanding Quantile Regression Lightning
Selected Publications
Areas of Interest:
- Statistics
- Financial Markets
- Energy and the Environment
- Decision, Risk, and Voting
- Statistics and Sports
- The Goat in the City, The Mathematical Intelligencer, v.44, p.1-6, 2022
- Review of Median Stable Distributions and Shröder's Equation, Journal of Econometrics, 213(2019)289-295.
- Conditional Quantile Regression Models of Melanoma Tumor Growth Curves for Assessing Treatment Effect in Small Sample Studies, with Ella Revzin and Dibyen Majumdar. Statistics in Medicine, Sept. 2014, Vol. 33: 5209-5220.
- Does Diversity Matter? Measuring the Impact of High School Diversity on Freshman GPA, with Mo-Yin S. Tam, Policy Studies Journal, 2004, 32 no.1, 129-143.
- Quantile Models and Estimators for Data Analysis, with Mo-Yin
S. Tam and Keith Knight, Metrika, v,55, 2002, 17-26.
- Learning About Simpson's Paradox, Stats, 1994, p.13-17.
- The Remedian: A Robust Averaging Method for Large Data Sets, with Peter J. Rousseeuw, Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1990.
- On Boscovich's Estimator, with Roger Koenker, Annals of Statistics, December 1985, v.13, n.4 1625-28.
- An Empirical Quantile Function for Linear Models with i.i.d. Errors, with Roger Koenker, Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 77, n. 378, June 1982.
- The Asymptotic Theory of Least Absolute Error Regression, with Roger Koenker, Journal of the American Statistical Association, v.73, n. 363, September 1978, 618-622.
- Regression Quantiles, with Roger Koenker, Econometrica, v. 46, n. 1, January 1978, 33-50.
Financial Markets
- What Does Beta SMB > 0 Really Mean?, with Hsiu-lang Chen, The Journal of Financial Research,v. XXXVII, No.4, p. 543-51, Winter 2014.
- Quantile Momentum, with Rong Chen and Yongchang Feng, Statistics and Its Interface, v.1 (2008),p.243-254.
- Pessimistic Portfolio Allocation and Choquet Expected Utility, with Roger Koenker and Gregory Kordas, Journal Financial Econometrics, 2004, v.2, no.4,p.477-492.
- Nonparametric Bounds for the Probability of Future Prices based
on Option Values, in L1-Statistical Procedures and Related
Topics, Yadolah Dodge, editor, Institute of Mathematical Statistics,
Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, v.31, 1997.
- The MMI Cash Futures Spread on October 19,1987, with Virginia France and Stanley Pliska, The Review of Futures Markets, v. 8, n. 1, 1989, p.118-138.
Energy and Environmental Economics
- Robust Contingent Values Based on Dichotomous Choice Survey Data, with Hank Jenkins Smith and Carol Silva, Environmetrics, v.8, p.387-395, 1997.
- On-Site Storage of High Level Nuclear Waste: Attitudes and Perceptions of Local Residents, with Hank Jenkins-Smith and Carol Silva. Risk Analysis, v.16,n.3 June, 1996.
- Breaking Records After Mt.Pinatubo, with Z. Lin. Climatic Change, October 1993 p.179-184.
- Breaking Recent Global Temperature Records. Climatic Change, v.21, 1992, p.303-315, 1992.
Decision, Risk, Voting
- Proposing a Dinner Date: Analysis by Rank Dependent Expected Utility, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 58 (2005), p.393-402.
- Robust Voting, with Joseph Persky, Public Choice, v.99,1999,299-310.
- The St. Petersburg Paradox and Bounded Utility, History of Political Economy, 1987, v. 19, n. 4. reprinted in, Expected Utility, Fair Gambles and Rational Choice, O.F. Hamouda and J.C.R. Rowley editors, Elger, 1997.
- Expected Utility with Perturbed Lotteries, Theory and Decision, v. 20, n. 1 January 1986, 79-96.
Statistics and Sports
- The Effects of Alternative HOME-AWAY Sequences in a Best-of-Seven Playoff Series, with William Hurley, The American Statistician v.52, n.1, February 1998, p.51-53.
- Robust Sports Ratings Based on Least Absolute Values, American Statistician, v.51, no 2, May 1997, p. 99-105.
- Rating Skating, with Joe Persky, Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 89, n. 427, p.1075-79, 1994.
- Point Spreads vs. Odds, Journal of Political Economy, v. 80, n. 4 August 1981, 752-768.